Williams Sound FM 557
FM+ System Package (4 R37 receivers)
Manufacturer SKU: FM 557
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Top FM 557 Specifications
- System Includes
- (1) FM T55 transmitter
- (4) PPA R37N receivers
- (4) EAR 022 surround earphones
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The FM 557 system package is a complete turnkey solution includes 12 PPA R37N receivers and an FM+ transmitter for both FM and Wi-Fi transmission from the same box.
This system features the cutting edge PPA T55 transmitter (replacing the T45 FM transmitter) with multiple digital audio input options and an OLED display with easy-to manage navigation, and network control features.
- (2) NKL 001 neckloops
- (1) IDP 008 ADA wall plaque
- Includes AA Alkaline Batteries (BAT 001-2)
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